First there was #SelfieWithModi, a campaign to promote the Indian Prime Minister ahead of state elections in Delhi, now Narendra Modi wants Indians to take a #SelfieWithDaughter to champion girls in a country where far fewer daughters are born each year than sons.
Mr. Modi borrowed the idea from the head of a village where the number of girls to boys is particularly skewed in favor of males.
In his monthly radio broadcast on Sunday, Mr. Modi asked listeners to tweet photos of themselves and their daughters. His encouragement set #SelfieWithDaughter trending worldwide on Sunday, according to some local media reports.
Mr. Modi, who usually uses the selfie for its original self-promotional purpose – like this one he took with Chinese premier Li Keqiang or this one with Tony Abbot, his Australian counterpart adopted the photo campaign from a small, north Indian state – Haryana – where a village politician is seeking to improve the state’s reputation as the most unequal in terms of gender balance.
Haryana, with just 834 girls for every 1,000 boys under the age of six years old, stood last in a list ranking states according to their child sex ratio in the 2011 nationwide census.
India’s child sex ratio has deteriorated sharply over the past 20 years, dropping to 918 in 2011 from 945 in 1991.
The states with the worst sex ratios have redressed the balance somewhat thanks to the focus of advocacy groups on female feticide issues.
Haryana has made improvements in recent years: The ratio of girls to boys in the state climbed to 834 in 2011 from 819 in 2001.
Punjab, another northern state where the numbers have been consistently tipped in favor of males, saw even greater improvements: From 798 girls for 1,000 boys born in 2001, to 846 girls in 2011.
But a United Nations study in July said that despite laws that seek to block the use of pre-natal tests to determine the sex of an unborn child, parents in India prefer sons for a variety of reasons, including anxiety surrounding the safety and security of women.
There have been few prosecutions under laws preventing pre-natal sex determination testing.
And U.N. researchers said things look like they are getting more unbalanced. Even states like Meghalaya and Nagaland, which have had a more balanced sex ratio in the past, have experienced a declining proportion of girls to boys in recent decades.
Corrections: A previous version of this post incorrectly stated that daughters inherit in preference to sons in Nagaland. In fact, this is only the case in Meghalaya.